Don’t shoot the taxi driver | The paper

Don't shoot the taxi driver |  The paper


We have elected them enemies of modernization, but they almost always use the pos. They are also ruffians, many complain and protest, but they are in the good company of certain demanding and sometimes threatening petit-bourgeois

But how rude Selvaggia Lucarelli is, how annoying her overbearing licentiousness. Now this all glamorous and distinctive reporter spins a vain clip in which intimidates an Apulian taxi driver who claims the malfunction of the pos and asks for payment in cash, she gives him the little legal lesson, “it’s mandatory!”, she rudely questions his shy and polite word of a middle-aged man and worker, “it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work”, she adds that I’m on the Lungomare di Bari, the pos must work, and she puts herself in the role of the citizen, the customer, the consumer who protests in an awkward way. Of course, the pos should work, of course, the taxi driver is always wrong when he shows it as a rusty machine with no line, but the good manners in requesting it, if not the very decent compromise of sending out ten euros in cash after a task and formal survey, should not be lacking.

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