Does the left accuse the right of occupying Rai? Salvini will take care of removing suspicion. Genius

Does the left accuse the right of occupying Rai?  Salvini will take care of removing suspicion.  Genius


The leader of the League lives on the edge of a coup de theatre. To the joy of Giorgia Meloni. The prime minister fears euphoria and she recommended approximately one thing only: the watchword is not to collect everything, but to dominate the situation

Today we only know one genius, and it’s a genius of synthesis: it’s called Matthew Salvini. What when Fabio Fazio announces his farewell to Rai tweets: “Belli ciao” and sends a big kiss. Man is like that. He shies away from hasty and unconsidered statements and acts. He thinks about it and thinks about it. Two, three even ten times; but at the right moment she says a rosary, buzzes or tweets. And it is inexorable. A sniper.

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