Doctor no vax Silvana De Mari struck off the order. A long history of conspiracies

Doctor no vax Silvana De Mari struck off the order.  A long history of conspiracies


In addition to his positions against vaccines, the famous face of the pandemic was excluded for denigrating the work of colleagues and dispensing remote home care. Brief review of his most controversial positions

Silvana DeMari, known for its positions against vaccines and the gay community, has been disbarred from the medical register. This was announced by the doctor herself in a video released on her Facebook page. Previously, in 2021, De Mari had already been suspended from the order for deciding “not to let something into my body that I didn’t want in my body”. And that is for having escaped the obligation to be vaccinated against Covid. As for her radiation, this is due not only to the positions against vaccines publicly expressed on several occasions but above all for having denigrated the work of colleagues and having dispensed remote home care for Covid during the pandemic period. To better frame the character, we can recall here some of her positions on the subject of vaccines and home care exposed in the last three years between no-vax conferences and interventions on social media.

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