Do you smoke, are you sedentary and do you eat badly? The risk of ending up in a nursing home can double

Do you smoke, are you sedentary and do you eat badly?  The risk of ending up in a nursing home can double


The risk of admission to nursing homes and old people’s homes is doubled for adults with unhealthy lifestyles, such as people with obesity. This is stated in a study that will be presented in these days at the International Congress on Obesity in Melbourne, noting that the most pronounced risk concerns individuals between 60 and 75 years of age.

The issue is considered of fundamental importance because “preventing or delaying the hospitalization of the elderly will be a key factor in allowing contemporary societies to treat an increasingly aging population”, says Dr. Alice Gibsonone of the authors of the research.

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Three groups divided by risk factors

The study looked at a sample of 127,000 men and women over the age of 60, dividing them into three groups based on risk factors such as smoking, sleep, nutrition quality and sports activity. A quarter of the participants were in the low-risk group, 62 percent in the medium-risk group, and 14 percent in the high-risk group. Compared to people in the low-risk group, i.e. those who do not smoke, eat a healthy diet and play sports, the high-risk group was found to have 43 percent more admissions to nursing homes for the elderly or similar facilities. And people with the absolute highest risk experienced twice as many hospitalizations of this type compared to people in the least at risk category.

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The risk factors

It is important to consider the risk factors created by an unhealthy lifestyle, such as obesity, not only to prevent chronic disease but also to reduce the number of admissions to nursing homes for the elderly – comments Dr. Gibson. – Our results could give strong motivation to adopt a healthier lifestyle. “Reactions to the study include that of the UK Association for the Study of Obesity, which criticized the new British premier. Liz Truss for not taking into account the recommendations of the British Obesity Association in its recent keynote address at the Conservative Party’s annual conference.

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Targeted health policies

“The premier seems to have abandoned the commitments made by the previous governments”, notes a statement, recalling the main arguments submitted to the government on the subject: treating obesity as a question of health inequality; taxing soft drinks is an effective measure to reduce sugar consumption; high-sugar food promotions contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle; and a policy of this kind allows in the long term both greater economic growth and containment of health care costs.

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