Derek DelGaudio, part magician part artist

Derek DelGaudio, part magician part artist


“In & Of Itself” tells, with a skilful editing work, the show staged Off Broadway 552 times in a row. A show that shakes the identity of the participants, their secrets and their desires

“Please take this moment to turn off your phones and silence any distractions.” This is how he says the sign that warns viewers at the beginning of “In & Of Itself” (literally “Between himself”), the documentary film who sees on stage the American magician Derek DelGaudio which, after a long wait, also arrived in Italy on Disney+. The 38-year-old performer is directed for the occasion byThe director and “puppeteer” Frank Oz, seventy-eight years old, who someone will remember as the soul of the legendary Muppets puppets, the voice of Yoda in “Star Wars” and the direction of “The Little Shop of Horrors”. During the show the young magician will involve someone from the audience several times, calling him on stage to make him slip from the ordinary world to the extra-ordinary one that he is building with measured gestures and painstaking patience. Many people in the small theater cry sobbing at the end of the show. Many do the same in front of the TV, (or like yours truly clinging to a torrent that has traveled the net for months), realizing that they have participated in something unique, an event that is difficult to catalog and label.

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