Defending Juno in Milan. The courage of motherhood beyond any moralism

Defending Juno in Milan.  The courage of motherhood beyond any moralism


“Juno”, you will remember, is a wonderful film released in 2007 in theaters all over the world. The protagonist of “Juno” is Ellen Page, the director is called Jason Reitman and the story of Juno is one that you certainly will not forget. A sixteen-year-old Minnesota girl, after having sex with her best friend, Paulie Bleeker, becomes pregnant with her. Initially, she decides to have an abortion, in great secrecy, but after making an appointment for the operation she chooses to change her mind, understands that there is an alternative for her and opts for another solution: to continue the pregnancy, with the intention but to give the child up for adoption to a couple chosen by her. Juno’s story is perhaps the best to evoke in these hours to try to tell with a different eye from the conventional one two stories that have captured the attention of many observers in the last few hours. The first story is that of Aeneas, the child born by a woman shortly before Easter, left by the same mother in a modern wheel of exhibits activated in 2007 by the Milan Polyclinic, and the second story is that of another mother who after having given birth in an abandoned shed near Milan, she chose to leave her daughter at the Buzzi hospital in Milan.

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