Decalogue of the new taboos. How our collective imagination changes

Decalogue of the new taboos.  How our collective imagination changes


From sex to laxatives, from atheism to furs, up to Steve McQueen and loneliness. A contemptuous collection of the ten great removed of our glorious age

Recite. During the reign of the first Queen Elizabeth, in his Globe Theater days, the troubled playwright William Shakespeare staged highly successful transphobic rallies such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream and staged the most harmful “black propaganda” work in the history of Eurocentric imperialism: Romeo and Juliet, a concentrate of violent proselytism for hetero couples, highly deceptive and based on a traumatic series of emotional blackmail. Fortunately, nowadays, the pearls of hate speech declaimed by Romeo and Juliet can only be found by going beyond the Urals, among the most controversial orthodox offshoots of Christianity. Or on afternoon TV.

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