Covid, the recommendations for the autumn of infectious disease specialists and hygienists

Covid, the recommendations for the autumn of infectious disease specialists and hygienists


One vaccination a year for everyone, especially over 50, and one every six months for the most fragile subjects, such as the elderly or those with pathologies. These are the indications for the anti-Covid vaccinations for next autumn, just announced by the hygienists and infectious disease specialists of the scientific societies of Siti and Simit (respectively the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health and the Italian Society of Diseases infectious and tropical). Because, if it is true that the emergency is over, Covid-19 has not disappeared.

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Case reports say so, although very far from those of the early days of the pandemic. In the last week of June, there were about 4,700 new cases and 86 deaths, as Gimbe monitoring shows. But he also said it a couple of months ago, announcing the end of the emergency, the number one of the WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, recalling how the virus was still a threat to global health. A threat, however, against which we have now set aside a toolbox useful for containing the damage, including vaccines.

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But while companies and regulatory agencies prepare to make the new updated vaccines available against the Xbb variant for next autumn, our country still lacks a plan to understand who they will be intended for and with what priority, Simit and Siti denounce: ” Our country, among the few at European level, has not yet defined a vaccination plan against Sars-CoV-2 to protect the population, especially the fragile one, in the coming autumn season – he declared Roberta Siliquini, president of the Italian Hygiene Society (SitI) – Currently, vaccination coverage is very low, and there are still about 13 deaths a day. Siti and Simit then drew up recommendations – based on the best scientific evidence and vaccination coverage, as well as the progress of the disease – useful for providing indications to political decision-makers and health professionals for the definition of a vaccination strategy”.

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The recommendations for the anti-Covid-19 vaccination

According to the experts of the scientific societies, a dose of the vaccine is recommended a year after the last vaccination for everyone in the autumn, with particular attention to the over 50s, fragile subjects and health workers. “Mathematical models from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control suggest that a fall vaccination campaign with high adherence in people over 50 could reduce up to 32% of hospitalizations from Covid-19 by the end of February 2024 – he added Claudio Mastroianni, President of Simit – In particular, the recommendation is to focus on the vaccination of people over 50 and other vulnerable groups during the autumn/winter seasons, in combination with the flu vaccination campaign”. A dose every six months is instead recommended for over 75, subjects with moderate or severe immunosuppression and pregnant women. There are no indications regarding the type of vaccine to be administered, on the contrary relying on stocks with different types would allow optimizing the choice of vaccines.


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