Corbyn and McCluskey, directors of the English radical left, launch poetic justice

Corbyn and McCluskey, directors of the English radical left, launch poetic justice


The former Labor leader and trade unionist are aiming for the greatest publishing success of British socialism, with a volume due out in November and a long selection of texts in metrics. But the general tone is that of preaching great occasions

Poetry for all! If the perfidious elites keep Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson hidden from you, don’t worry, the comrades will take care of it Jeremy Corbyn And Len McCluskey to restore some poetic justice. After “the greatest electoral success of socialism in recent British history”, according to the release of OR Books, an independent publisher, based in New York, which has in its catalog, hot off the press, “Instrumentalising anti-Semitism – How the lobby Israel toppled Jeremy Corbyn” – former Labor leader and trade unionist aiming for British socialism’s biggest publishing success. And let no one be offended by that title, “Poetry for the many”“Poetry for the multitude”, for the masses, for the people, for those who have been unfairly excluded from poetry until now, never dreamed of opening a book and zac, thanks to Jezza all of a sudden Ted Hughes becomes pop and William Blake flowing like Franco Arminio: it comes from Percy Bysshe Shelley and his “Mask of anarchy” – “Ye are many – they are few” – a passionate revolutionary poem written after the Peterloo massacre in which the author exhorts the English to rise “like lions after torpor”.

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