Concrete initiatives for social sustainability

Concrete initiatives for social sustainability


Sustainability is not just environmental. In fact, if the defense of the planet and the protection of natural resources remain priorities, a review of a company’s strategic vision from a sustainable perspective cannot fail to take into account its own community of employees and the Company in general. It is no coincidence that the acronym ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) combines the Environment with the terms “Social” and “Governance” of corporate resources.

A strategy oriented towards sustainability, therefore, passes through concrete and valuable initiatives that involve people, employees but also and above all the community in which a company operates. As part of ABB’s 2030 strategy, the company has implemented more than 400 social responsibility initiatives in 40 countries, has so far involved more than 4,000 employees in volunteering activities and has invested over 10 million dollars.

Support education starting from primary

One of the most significant examples of this commitment is the agreement between ABB and Junior Achievement, the largest non-profit organization in the world dedicated to economic-entrepreneurial education in schools. And the two companies have been working together in Italy for 20 years now. In addition to constantly providing educational and experiential programs to primary and secondary school students, this year the initiative went as far as organizing the Italian Entrepreneurship Championship, recognized by the Ministry of Education and Merit. The ABB Enterprise 5.0 Award is part of this event – a contest dedicated to the mini-companies participating in the Championship and which enhances their ability to integrate digital and sustainable solutions into products and services, won by Nex Nos, a mini-company of the ITC Antonio Zanon of Udine with STICKY, an electronic device designed with the intention of helping people not to lose objects that are important to them.

Together with the people of Junior Achievement and its impact community, 50 ABB volunteers work every year to help girls and boys transform their ideas into entrepreneurial projects according to the learning by doing method. “Our goal is to offer young people an incentive to develop the transversal skills that will prove to be crucial once they enter the world of work. We would like to inspire those who are choosing their future path, telling of the professions that can allow – thanks also to STEM training – to make a contribution to a smarter society, also in terms of sustainability” has explained Eliana Baruffi, member of the board of Junior Achievement and Country Communications Manager of ABB Italy.

Students learn to create a business plan, prepare a pitch or define a budget together with the ABB Dream Coaches. But that’s not all, the partnership between ABB and Junior Achievement also extends to the Orientation Marathon to offer an overview of job opportunities and to Digital&Green, the latest project born in the Group’s educational strategy, intended for primary schools to tell the professions related to sustainability , precisely those thanks to which the professionals of tomorrow will be able to create an impact of value for our Society.

Other initiatives demonstrate ABB’s particular sensitivity in carrying out projects aimed at training young people and enhancing uniqueness, in every form. Thanks to an equipped van, for example, the Educational team of ABB Robotics Italia reached 44 schools from Piedmont to Sicily in spring 2023, covering over 6500 km in two months and involving up to a thousand students.

In this case, evidently, the thought is to develop skills in the field of Smart Robotics, decreeing the IIS Zaccagna Galilei of Massa Carrara as the winner of the final contest of the 2023 edition.

An educational path based on the greatest possible involvement of girls and boys through a series of projects capable of stimulating their interest. – points out Maurice Lepori, Head of Educational ABB Robotics ItalyPractical, interactive approaches and innovative methodologies such as design thinking and the transversal use of technologies help to acquire the main multidisciplinary skills required in this sector”.

Stories of ordinary inclusion

Then there are the “stories of ordinary inclusion” to tell. Like the one regarding support for PizzAut – the pizzeria run entirely by autistic kids that represents an innovative model of social inclusion – and the collaboration with Pappaluga Farm, the social farm that kids with cognitive disabilities. Solid stories and concrete (but discreet) support from ABB, because the important thing is to be there, without necessarily appearing.

Equity between genders, on the other hand, is dealt with by ABB4Equity, a project of diversity & inclusion and personal empowerment. The initiative intends to sensitize the general public on the issue of inclusion and equity by declining it in a Corporate Governance strategy. In other words, making sure that equity becomes to all intents and purposes a cornerstone of the corporate strategy.

Diversity & Inclusion strategies represent an important link between ethics and business – commented Emiliano Diotallevi – HR Manager of ABB in Italy –. Fostering diversity in the company means promoting ABB’s values ​​(care – courage – collaboration and curiosity), interpreting the transformation of modern society and creating a positive environment to ensure employee satisfaction and stakeholder trust”.

ABB4Equity’s first campaign featured female ABB colleagues sharing personal experiences and advice for generations wanting to pursue a career in STEM. Because it is among the female students that ABB intends to find its managers of tomorrow.

At the moment in ABB Italy the percentage of women is 23% but the aim is for 50% of recruitments from the university world – he has declared Mariafrancesca Madrigrano, Local Product Group manager of ABB Instrumentation Measurement and Analytics division and Factory Manager of the Tremezzina (CO) plant -. We want to achieve 25% female leadership and guarantee all women the possibility of contributing in the best possible way by bringing their full value and potential, crucial elements for sustaining solid long-term growth”.


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