Circus “Elvis”. The cloying but impeccable via dei Baustelle between rock and intellectual ambitions

Circus "Elvis".  The cloying but impeccable via dei Baustelle between rock and intellectual ambitions


Today there is no discussion whether the Baustelle are “good” or significant, but it is interesting to understand what led them to take such an aesthetic path, what reasoning convinced them to set up a theater with its costumes, its script and its jokes to effect

Overloaded, at times redundant, full of artifices, “Elvis”, the new Baustelle album, is not an easy listen. Presented by Francesco Bianconilike the work of the restart, after a crisis that seemed to lead to the dissolution of the band, is a record that suggests, as you listen, the care of its preparation but also the absence of naturalness of the operationthe evident distribution of gender dosages, the use of resonant but not always indispensable quotations.

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