Cigarettes are the new identity-libertarian value that resists repression

Cigarettes are the new identity-libertarian value that resists repression


With the election of Kevin McCarthy as speaker, the first amendment to the House statute brought tobacco back into Congressional offices. While accusing the left of “hating nicotine because it frees your mind”

In the post-ideological era there is a new major issue to contend with: the smoke. Republicans, taking control of the House in the midterm elections, they managed to bring cigarettes, cigars and futuristic steam contraptions back into the offices of congressmen. With the election of Kevin McCarthy, who became speaker, it is the first change to the House statute. For the more veterans it will remember the period in which the corridors of Capitol Hill were full of smoke, when the then speaker John Bohener did not hide his great love for tobacco (he got out of politics and became a lobbyist, for Big Tobacco). The choice of the GoP goes against the tide of the anti-smoking fight carried out over the years by the Democrats; in the summer the Biden administration said it would work to ban menthol cigarettes altogether and slash the amount of nicotine from others so they are less addictive. On FoxNews the conservative commentator, close to conspiracy positions, Tucker Carlson, went so far as to say that the left “hates tobacco”, and he doesn’t do it because he cares about the health of citizens, but because “they hate nicotine, but they love THC. They encourage kids to use marijuana, but they don’t make you use tobacco. Why do they hate nicotine?

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