Ceschino Montanari, a contemporary Renaissance trained in beauty

Ceschino Montanari, a contemporary Renaissance trained in beauty


If life is the art of meeting, as the poet said, the psychotherapist Francesco Montanari, Ceschino to his friends, practiced that art as a master, as anyone who has had the good fortune to know him knows. Like his teacher Ernst Bernhard, during a long life (he died at the age of ninety-two last January), Montanari was however a reluctant writer. The reason, according to Benedetta Craveri, is that “the freedom to tell oneself and to make us understand something more about ourselves and the other Ceschinos is granted only on condition of relying on an oral improvisation destined to leave no trace. The word has a crucial value for him, which does not allow it to be fixed on the page with impunity”.

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