Busto Arsizio, “The sentence for the murder of that ‘uninhibited’ woman offends fundamental human rights”

Busto Arsizio, "The sentence for the murder of that 'uninhibited' woman offends fundamental human rights"


ROME – “The sentence of the Court of Busto Arsizio for the murder of Carol Maltesi, a victim judged “uninhibited” in the sentence, harms the human rights of a woman who died from femicide – says Simona Lanzoni, vice president of Pangea Onlus Foundation and coordinator of Net REAMA – a sentence based on gender stereotypes that blame a woman killed and justify feminicide so much as to reduce the sentence and reject the request for life imprisonment”.

“Spereotyped Judgments”. “A sentence – Simona Lanzoni said again – which does not do justice to Carol and to all women victims of violence. On the contrary, it perpetrates a further violation by the judiciary which represents the Italian State and its justice. The outcome of the trial aggravates further the position of Italy, already condemned by the European Court of Human Rights of Strasbourg, for stereotyped judgments about a victim of violence. In fact, the sentence of May 27, 2021 which condemned Italy for the use of guilty and moralizing gender stereotypes should be remembered. Today the script repeats itself”.

A justice immune from stereotypes. It should also be remembered that Italy must align itself with what the European Court says and the recommendations of GREVIO, a Group of independent experts with the task of supervising and evaluating, through periodic reports, the measures adopted for the application of the Istanbul Convention . “We are deeply outraged by this sentence – concluded Simona Lanzoni of Pangea – fruit of a sexist culture that permeates the Italian judiciary so deeply. Even today we demand justice, which is certain and free from any gender stereotype against women”.


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