Bruce Lee was able to reconcile East and West more than diplomacy

Bruce Lee was able to reconcile East and West more than diplomacy


Fifty years without the Little Dragon, but his glory hasn’t faded, between TV series and video games, gadgets and advertising. His biography was superimposed on his screen life. Neither took the happy ending for granted, nor did the Hong Kong rebels

This year’s typhoon is called Talim, they named it Dot fifty summers ago. He blew over Hong Kong with the fury of a dragon from July 14th to the 20th and on the day he ceased the British colony was rocked by news stronger than the winds: the sudden death of Bruce Leecinematographic hero, irregular kung fu champion, body perfected as a machine that would have just turned thirty-three on November 27, the date on which the 1973 meteorological records – curious coincidence – declared the typhoon season over.

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