Arvedi, the manna of Cremona and the Cremonese

Arvedi, the manna of Cremona and the Cremonese


The entrepreneur, owner and honorary president of the club, doesn’t like the limelight, but knows how to choose men. So he managed to bring the team back to Serie A. And if relegation were to come, it won’t be a drama

For Cremona and not only for the Cremona area, John Arvedi it was like manna from heaven. In the city he had always been known. At first because he was Buschini’s son-in-law, perhaps the greatest, certainly the most famous, Cremonese builder. Then he put in his patent and that very modern steel plant not far from the waters of that navigable canal which, in the plans of the politicians of the Sixties, should have connected the Po (therefore the Adriatic) with Rotterdam and the North Sea and instead, since then, it is only an open-air training gym for the Olympic athletes of the Cremonese Rowing Club.

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