Arezzo against the concert of the Russian soprano Netrebko. Here we go again with the hypocrisy

Arezzo against the concert of the Russian soprano Netrebko.  Here we go again with the hypocrisy


Here we go again. Putin’s faults fall on the Russians who no longer have to sing. Or at least he doesn’t have to sing, on February 7 at the Petrarca theater in Arezzo, Anna Netrebkomaybe the most famous soprano in the world and certainly the best (who, however, the local newspapers that reported the news define as “the” soprano, therefore the end of western civilization is no longer close, it has really arrived). The Ukrainian city community is asking for it with a petition also supported by some Italian signatures. Mayor, Alessandro Ghinelli, centre-right, sensibly replies that he is so pro-Ukrainian that he has brought us aid himself, and that others will buy it with the proceeds, among other things, from the Netrebko concert. One to one and ball in the center.

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