Are you sure the trap inspires violence between baby gangs? If anything, it’s the other way around

Are you sure the trap inspires violence between baby gangs?  If anything, it's the other way around


Who are Simba La Rue, Baby Touché and the others and why music has nothing to do with them. A misunderstanding similar to when rap culture was identified with the jungle neighborhoods of New York

Now that it has been established that a portion of Italian children pour their sociality in the form of aggregation labeled as “Gang” – referring the documentation of the public to international cinematography in this regard, between ghettos and banlieues – the appearance of the whole travels with trap music, immediately destined to have a bad press, either for the boldness of the protagonists, either for the themes that they piss off anyone who does not share the experience, with that beating about the money, the babes and the vida loca. The overall scenario is bleak, worthy of the late evening sleepy talk-shows that send adults to sleep with apocalyptic visions of children and grandchildren busy chasing Senegalese, or helpless peers down, giving shape to absolute evil.

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