April 25, the women who made the Resistance on the walls of Bologna: “You will find us in our places”

April 25, the women who made the Resistance on the walls of Bologna: "You will find us in our places"


«In our places you will find us» is one of the verses that accompany the portraits, free verses taken from the «Lapide ad ignominia», the poem that Pietro Calamandrei dedicated to Albert Kesselring, commander of the German army during the Nazi-Fascist occupation in Italy . In the posters – which now stand out on the walls of the historic center of Bologna – other fragments of text also appear: “for dignity and not for hatred”, “you will find us in our places”, “now and always”. The project stems from a collaboration between the Municipality of Marzabotto and the Poggiolo Resistenza who together commissioned the work to CHEAP, a feminist and anti-fascist reality in Bologna which in the days around April 25 invites everyone to return to the Apennines to celebrate the Liberation from Nazi-Fascism . A message of female resistance told through street images accessible to all.

Among the partners, also the Istituto Storico Parri of Bologna which provided the original photos of the Resistance coupons from which CHEAP started to rework the posters graphically. These are women like Anna Maria Musolesi, a housewife, who from 5 September 1943 to the Liberation was recognized as a partisan with the rank of captain, part of the Partisan Brigade Stella Rossa, a partisan brigade that from November 1943 fought against the Nazi-fascist forces in the territories between the municipalities of Marzabotto, Monzuno, Grizzana Morandi and neighboring municipalities.

What is commonly known as the Marzabotto massacre, was a set of massacres carried out by Nazi troops in Italy between 29 September and 5 October 1944 in the territory of Marzabotto and in the hills of Monte Sole in the province of Bologna, as part of a mopping up operation of vast proportions directed against the partisan formation Stella Rossa.


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