Andrée Ruth’s last show (but no goodbye)

Andrée Ruth's last show (but no goodbye)


Shammah, the “ex machina goddess” of the Franco Parenti Theater, announces her latest direction in a season, next, of great innovations. Freewheeling among Testori, the young people to bring to the cinema, and a bit of beating to a deaf and stingy politics

“It will be my last directing”. Andree Ruth Shammah, creator and founder of the Franco Parenti, the legendary Theater born in the 70s with the name of Salone Pierlombardo, is a master of direction and twists. She summons the press for some “taste of the season” next but summer is always rich too, and instead she announces, disheveled, that the curtain will fall for her. “I’ve come full circle – she says – I’ve demonstrated to those who have always called me an impresario capable only of raising funds, that I’m a true director. Barring an impromptu falling in love with some text, this will be my last direction of a show: I chose Roy Chen, a playwright from Tel Aviv, because his “Who like me” (on stage from January 31st to February 28th next, ed) brings five teenagers on stage. It will be my ideal handover”, he announces.

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