Alcohol out of American drinks, inside the thc. But where would we be without Bacchus?

Alcohol out of American drinks, inside the thc.  But where would we be without Bacchus?


“Sbronzi”, a book on drinking as the glue of society. Edward Slingerland argues that to have survived this long “the benefits of intoxication – throughout human history – must have outweighed the more obvious negative consequences”

If in Japan the government is forced to invite generation Z to drink alcohol to collect some taxes on sake, as Ginevra Leganza wrote on these pages in August, in the United States the fashion of cocktail with marijuana, without alcohol but with thc inside. Enough gin and vodka, only indica and sativa for young people, who want to relax without getting nervous, who want to have aperitifs in company without the risk of fights in the pubs, facilitated by the opening to legalized canes. But what would the world be today without Bacchus, without the nectar of fermentation? Edward Slingerland tries to answer this question in his book Drunk. as we drank, danced and staggered on the road to civilizationrecently released in Italy for Utet.

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