A weekend dedicated to the Earth to remove 500 tons of plastic and waste throughout Italy

A weekend dedicated to the Earth to remove 500 tons of plastic and waste throughout Italy


Beyond 25,000 volunteers on the field with the ambitious goal of removing 500 tons of plastic and waste from the environment. A mass mobilization to make citizens, institutions and businesses aware of the serious problem of pollution linked to the abandonment of waste in the environment. There will be over 300 environmental cleaning and preservation appointments, simultaneously throughout the country, for a weekend entirely dedicated to our planet which will also involve ten Italian universities.

The April 22-23 the initiative of Plastic Free Onlusthe voluntary organization committed to tackling plastic pollution since 2019, will celebrate the World Earth Day with the support of MINI, a partner who embraces the values ​​linked to sustainability and attention to the environment. Tree planting will also take place over the two days. thanks to the collaboration with the media partner Treedom, the first site in the world that allows you to plant a tree remotely and follow the history of the agroforestry project it will give life to.

“Love for one’s land passes through concrete gestures such as cleaning up the environment from plastic and dispersed waste or planting new trees to give oxygen to the planet – he declared Luca De Gaetano, president of Plastic Free Onlus – Thanks to the determination of our volunteers, on April 22-23 we will be throughout Italy, from north to south, to raise awareness among our fellow citizens of the serious consequences that the abandonment of plastic and waste causes in our lives every day perhaps without realizing it. A commitment and constant attention today will allow us to have a planet tomorrow”.

“We have chosen to take the field together with Plastic Free to safeguard the planet and to involve the entire MINI Community through our partners in the area, to share attention to the issue of sustainability and transfer these values ​​into a concrete commitment in the area.” , he added Federica ManzoniHead of MINI Italia, a company committed to reducing CO2 in production processes and become a fully electric brand by 2030.

“Our mission at Treedom is to take care of our planet every day, and help anyone who wants to do the same but doesn’t know where to start. Plastic Free responds to the same need with its plastic collection initiatives, and that’s why We are extremely proud to be this year’s Media Partner – he declares Federico GarceaCEO & Founder of Treedom – Together, we can amplify our commitment and collaborate to achieve the goal of a cleaner and more sustainable world for all”.

The initiative collects the official and active support of ten Italian universities: University of Pavia; LUMSA Rome with offices also in Palermo and Taranto; UNICAL University of Calabria of Rende (CS); University of Urbino – Carlo Bo; UNINT University of International Studies of Rome; “Gabriele D’Annunzio” University of Chieti/Pescara; University of Bari – Aldo Moro; University of Salento based in Lecce; UNIPO University of Eastern Piedmont; Salesian University Institute of Turin of the Salesian Pontifical University.


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