A theme of maturity for generations not accustomed to waiting

A theme of maturity for generations not accustomed to waiting


This year almost half of the graduates chose the track on the praise of waiting. But these guys (and now we, with them) live in the time of sharing everything with everyone, in one click. While the epistolaries of literature tell of a lost patience

“Here where I am writing to you, the weather has already been summer for many days, within a golden sky and fast storms”. It seems that this year for the Italian theme, which opens the session of state exams, almost half of the graduates chose the track on the praise of waiting, inspired by a passage by Marco Belpoliti. “The fault that gives me the most remorse in life is to have made every dialogue wrong…, and yet I’m so happy now to write to you , to ask you or answer you something”. The etymology of waiting is tending towards. Turning the soul towards something; that of waiting is looking carefully, looking towards. In the Spanish language there is poetry in the verb to wait: esperar (I I’ll wait for you, I’ll wait for you; it immediately makes a verse, makes a universal metaphor).

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