A sublime Handel in Paris. Masterpiece directed by Carsen, with a lot of irony about the Windsors

A sublime Handel in Paris.  Masterpiece directed by Carsen, with a lot of irony about the Windsors


The greatest opera director in the world stages “Ariodante”, which for the occasion becomes a William still with hair. While waiting for the coronation, three hours of great entertainment with a happy ending

Other than gala for the coronation or “royal command performance” as in the good old days of Victoria, Empress and Queen, and indeed even after. At work, the imminent enthronement of Charles III unleashes irony if anything. It is true that it is the Paris Opera, but the person responsible, as a Canadian, is still a subject of the crowning candidate. It’s about Robert Carsenthe greatest opera director in the world, which he stages at Garnier Ariodante by Handel, year of much musical grace 1735. The source of the libretto, in fact, is Ariosto, a minor episode of thefurious Orlando. But set in Scotland, at the court of an unnamed king whose daughter Ginevra, who loves the brave Ariodante in return, falls victim to the plots of her rejected lover, the wicked Polinesso “duke of Albania” who is then the Italianization of Albany ( an Albanian duke intriguing in Edinburgh would have been a lot even for one who sent paladins for a walk on the moon). Happy ending after three abundant hours of arias col dacapo, one more sublime than the other.

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