A strategic plan to address the drought problem. Cues

A strategic plan to address the drought problem.  Cues


The “Drought” decree has arrived. Good that the government has finally decided to pay attention to the problem. Let’s hope so. Already in July 2022 the previous executive had announced an emergency plan and a commissioner. Then nothing happened. During the 2022 election, less than two months later, there was no mention of drought. A year later we are here again. Therefore, the government’s commitment in this already difficult spring is welcome. But be careful: water is not a financial derivative or GDP, abstract concepts that the public often struggles to understand. If a water plan is working you will quickly see it from the kitchen tap and fields status. As Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face.” In terms of punches, the drought is unforgiving.

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