A step towards a great green movement and a sustainable future: It starts with water

A step towards a great green movement and a sustainable future: It starts with water


Actually, there are no taps in nature. Let’s say it better: there are no knobs, mixer, red and green markers to distinguish the “hot” from the “cold”. There is none of this in nature, of course not.

But Nature, since the dawn of time, has put together a hydraulic system that is the envy of any engineer. From outcropping pools to streams; from rivers to lakes; then the sea, the rain, the vapor and then rain again, vapor again, more water. Coolness, warmth, nourishment, energy. A well-oiled mechanism, an engine that – by turning – makes the Earth turn.

As in all engines, every now and then something jams: a belt breaks, a bolt loosens, a leak opens. But as long as the engine, the car was self-driving, these “accidents” rarely occurred. But for several decades (to say the least) man has also been behind the wheel; we too. We have deforested, dug the riverbeds, “dirtied” the water and the air. Well yes, we have done it often and willingly. So some faucet got clogged.

We saw it recently with what happened in Emilia Romagna. We have seen it, then, on a thousand other occasions, not only in Italy. We have witnessed numerous “extreme” events, from water that disappears to water that, in a few moments, submerges everything in its path. Floods and droughts. The water that is there and the one that was. The one we waste, the one we “mistreat” directly or indirectly.

The rising and falling water. Then we, who cannot do without water. We men and women who quench our thirst with water, nourish ourselves and even create energy. We, all in the same boat.

A boat – in fact – there is. A suspended boat; Suspended on Lake Garda a few steps from the lakefront of Manerba. It stands there, 75 cm from the water level, testifying to how much the lake level has dropped on average in recent years. It is the installation created by E.ON, one of the leading energy operators in Italy, engaged in the sale of electricity, gas and renewable energy solutions. In line with the Group’s strategic positioning, in Italy E.ON focuses on proposing competitive energy products and services capable of responding to new consumer needs for a smarter and more efficient use of energy and to put everyone in the real conditions of contribute to the green turning point for the protection of the planet, starting from the sustainability of one’s own home. The proposals in the electricity and gas sector, the solutions for photovoltaics, air conditioning and electric mobility allow everyone to choose how to implement the energy efficiency of their home.

Let’s go back to the suspended boat, which is the backdrop for the E.ON campaign Make Italy Green to reaffirm the importance of raising awareness and educating citizens, companies and institutions on environmental sustainability, adopting sustainable lifestyles and actively engaging through more aware and responsible daily choices in favor of the environment. A commitment that E.ON has been carrying out for years and which contributes to the realization of the company’s mission: make Italy greener, #MakeItalyGreen.

With this objective, E.ON organized an event in Manerba del Garda: an opportunity to discuss the causes and effects of climate change and a starting point for proposing shared and concrete solutions capable of tackling these challenges and fostering a real paradigm shift.

The event, moderated by the TV presenter Caterina Balivowas attended by Frank MeyerCEO of E.ON Italia, together with numerous scientific experts, the deputy mayor of Manerba and other representatives of local institutions.

E.ON then set up a flashmob near the isthmus of the island of S. Biagio: company employees and citizens joined in a human chain. ssymbol of the active and participatory movement. As if to say: each one is a ring; the set of links forms the chain. Ergo, if everyone does their part, there will be results.

E.ON’s initiatives in favor of the environment don’t stop there: there is the Schools projectthat Woods E.ON, Energy4Blue and many others.

Land, sea, air, energy: let’s all get busy, each his own. To sail – or row – towards a more sustainable future

For more information consult the official site.


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