A Serene existence as a bomber: “Life is too good even without the famous headers”

A Serene existence as a bomber: "Life is too good even without the famous headers"


“Wherever I went, I felt good, but it’s not easy to change shirt, coach, teammates and fans every year. Start over every time. And win back.” The best moment? “There are many, many, perhaps none”. Interview with Aldo Serena

“Montebelluna, where I was born, became famous after man landed on the moon, when our Moon Boot invaded the world and we became the world capital of sports shoes, even if we were already the country of the ‘old boot how much time has passed …’ many years earlier. I too worked in my uncle’s shoe factory. And I too went to the moon. At the age of 18, when I passed, without even realizing it, from the eight hundred spectators at the San Vigilio municipal stadium to the eighty thousand at the San Siro, from Montebelluna to Inter it was the first step in a life that would never cease to amaze me”.

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