A March 8 of struggle for feminists who want to remember that “women are born”

A March 8 of struggle for feminists who want to remember that "women are born"


In Wales a protest aims to gag academic critics of gender. Meanwhile documentary screenings are canceled and lists of “harmful terms” are drawn up which include man, woman, mother, father… Instead of female, “producer of oocytes” is used. Appeals and insults: it’s the new witch hunt

“Silencing Women: Academic Freedom and Unthinkable Thoughts”. This is the title of the panel at Swansea University, in Wales, where academic feminists discuss criteria-based research that considers biological sex. “This event should not take place,” responds a Change.org petition with thousands of signatures, because “it will encourage transphobia.” A protest was staged outside the event, academic conference organizer Joan Smith told Unherd. “For several years now, feminists have not been able to hold their meetings without having to pass protesters shouting abuse and threatening sexual assaults.”

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