“A few years to reverse the course or it will be the demographic abyss”. Speak Blangiardo

“A few years to reverse the course or it will be the demographic abyss”.  Speak Blangiardo


“Italy is ‘destined to disappear’,” Meloni said. The “silver tsunami” is arriving in our country: the president of Istat explains that women potentially mothers in 2070 will be a third less. One of the ways remains the “French model”

“Italy’s population is aging and shrinking at the fastest rate of the West, forcing the country to adapt to a booming elderly population that puts it at the forefront of a global demographic trend, the ‘silver tsunami’. But it faces a double demographic blow, with a sharply declining birth rate that is among the lowest in Europe. Prime Minister Meloni said Italy is ‘destined to disappear’ unless it changes”. An article by Jason Horowitz on the New York Times which explains that what experts call the “Silver Tsunami” is arriving in Italy. And that could make the country “disappear”. Italy, writes the New York Times, is “a laboratory for many countries with aging populations”. It remains to be understood when it will be too late to get out of the “low birth rate trap”. “It is a fact that the trap exists and if things stay that way, even if only out of inertia, the end of the story is known”, he tells the Sheet Gian Carlo Blangiardo, president of Istat and among the greatest Italian demographers.

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