A conference and a new study center relaunch Heidegger’s lesson on being in the world

A conference and a new study center relaunch Heidegger's lesson on being in the world


A meeting will be held at the University of Bari on 2/3 February which will inaugurate a new place to practice Heideggerian criticism. The rediscovery of the philosopher who brought history back to being, to existence

One of the winning moves of Martin Heidegger – the one that has left its trace most in the thought of the late twentieth century and continues to mark it until today – is having dug into the hard ground of the concepts of the metaphysical tradition, to get to free, from its very interior, the aquifer vein of a new sense for the word “to be”. Deeper than what already seemed to be the ultimate ground, the “substance” that persists by itself, the timeless presence, the objective datum, the thinking subject – at the bottom of all this, Heidegger tried to think and say the being of the world and of existence as pure temporality, as history. A story that is not just a sequence of events over time, but is the “historicity” of existence and ultimately the story of being itself. Or rather, he thought of being as his story, as an “event”.

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