Melons without reporters in Tunis, opposition to attack. Fratoianni: “Not even the Cav in the golden years”

Melons without reporters in Tunis, opposition to attack.  Fratoianni: "Not even the Cav in the golden years"


Opposition to the attack on the press point without journalists of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni yesterday in Tunis after the institutional meetings with the leaders of the North African government.

“Yesterday the prime minister went to Tunisia, to beg an internationally discredited dictator to block migrants leaving that country by any means, without saying a word about human rights or the situation in the country. I therefore understand the embarrassment his and the Italian government for this move”. Thus the national secretary of the Italian Left, Nicola Fratoianni, parliamentarian of the Left Green Alliance. “But even going so far as to invent a press conference without journalists – continues the leader of SI – it takes a lot. Not even the phantasmagorical Berlusconi of the golden years had managed to do such a thing. Meloni and his collaborators should change their style and ways of doing things, they are at Palazzo Chigi and not in a television studio recording a low-cost drama, and they have to give an account – concludes Fratoianni – to the public opinion of the country, without cunning and perhaps even answering some uncomfortable questions. But it is democracy “.

For Osvaldo Naplesof the national Action secretariat, “President Meloni should be reported as the best Italian representative at the night of the Oscars for cinema. The video of her speaking to an empty room for almost 10 minutes letting us imagine being in front of an audience of journalists is a performance that only a great actress could have done. If that play had been done by an exponent of the old majority, Meloni would have jumped onto the benches of the Chamber”.


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