Tax reform, the news of the enabling law: how taxes change

Tax reform, the news of the enabling law: how taxes change


The path towards the flat tax and the new personal income tax rates

The flag size of the tax reform the flat tax for all within the term of the legislature. The introduction of a single tax rate on the taxable income of natural persons will concern the self-employed, employees and pensioners. However, the flat tax will be preceded by a transitional phase with the reduction of the rates from the current 4 to 3 (the Draghi government had already reduced them since they were 5). In the transitional period, the no-tax area between employees and pensioners will also be unified, this too is a stage to arrive at the single personal income tax rate. A note from the Ministry of Economy confirms that the tax reform provides for the equalization of the no tax area for employees (8,174 euros) and pensioners (8,500 euros). Once the transition phase is over, a single rate will be introduced for all, thus assimilating Italy to eight other European countries. An analysis by the Public Accounts Observatory of the Catholic University of Milan indicates that for now the flat tax applied in Russia (with a rate of 13%), Estonia (20%), Romania (10%), Bosnia-Herzegovina (10 %), Belarus (13%), Bulgaria (10%), Ukraine (18%) and Hungary (15%). The launch of the flat tax will also have to respect the progressive taxation criterion on income, envisaged by the Constitution. A principle that will be guaranteed by modulating the deductions, allowances and deductions, which will be inversely proportional to income. But the exact details will be defined by the implementing decrees.


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