Isopening, how to leave your job 7 years earlier (at the expense of the company and until 2026)

Isopening, how to leave your job 7 years earlier (at the expense of the company and until 2026)


The extension until 2026

The law converting the Milleproroghe decree (here the text) has brought about some innovations on the pension front. Among these, there is the one concerning the Fornero Isopension which can be used until 30 November 2026 – for a maximum duration of 7 years – in companies affected by redundancies. The extension from 7 years instead of 4 from the termination of the employment relationship to reach the minimum requirements for the pension had to expire at the end of 2023. With article 9, paragraph 5-bis introduced in the Senate in the law converting the decree and therefore the extension increases the number of workers who can retire, but employers have to bear a heavy cost. In a nutshell, the company advances the pension accrued up to the time of the exodus to the worker who leaves the job and this until the actual accrual of the requirements for the first ordinary pension treatment. Let’s see how it works.

Read the decree: Milleproroghe 2023, mortgages for young people, dehors and Superbonus villette: what’s in the decree and what was skipped


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