60 recipes by Oldani to support cancer research

60 recipes by Oldani to support cancer research


Sixty recipes to prepare every day or on special occasions; stories of cooking and curious combinations of food and flavors; practical advice on which seasonal fruit, vegetables and fish to choose, and how to shop consciously, with one eye on the quality of the food and the other on the lightness of the dishes. All wrapped up in Together – Health and seasons, the new book signed by starred chef Davide Oldani, the creator of pop cuisine: a charity initiative promoted by the IEO – European Institute of Oncology, in partnership with Coop, to educate about good nutrition and, at the same time, prevent cancer . The proceeds from the sale of the food collection, distributed through the supermarket chain, will go to the IEO-MONZINO Foundation: it will be used to finance scholarships for young researchers committed to studying oncological pathologies and identifying new and increasingly effective and personalized treatments.

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Smell and touch the freshness to recognize quality foods

Prevention at the table does not only involve healthy, balanced and ethically sustainable recipes, but also small and simple behaviors that can often make a difference in the choice of foods. The book suggests several: “It is not so obvious to always be able to recognize the freshness, to know what a defrosted fish looks like or what it must have an ‘undated’ face, what kind of consistency we need to feel when we touch a head of lettuce or that perfume has a melon picked at the right time – writes in his book Oldani – What is certain is that fresh fruit has bright colors, turgid consistency and, in the mouth, it is crunchy, tasty and sweeter, because the sugar it contains does not it is still transformed into starch. And that fresh fish has a ‘lively look’; and that even the fresh meat is consistent, almost odorless, and has bright colors. In any case, smelling and touching food are my ‘guarantees’, and touch is the litmus test of the freshness of vegetables, fish and meat ”.

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by Irma D’Aria

No food is to be demonized

The book says it clearly: a light, balanced and above all tasty diet can become an integral part of that lifestyle that helps you stay healthy and prevent oncological diseases. “No food is to be avoided – explains Paolo Veronesi, IEO Senology Director – the important thing is that there is always the right balance in quantities, preferring fruit, vegetables and legumes, and reducing the consumption of red and processed meats. In short, simple tips to follow that can help us feel good without sacrificing taste, and that prestigious chefs like Oldani help us to spread thanks to their social commitment against diseases that, despite the great progress in therapies, still create a lot of darkness around self”.

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Seasonality must be a fixed point

The seasonality of vegetables, fruit and fish in the kitchen has always been a sort of compass for the Milanese chef, who was also awarded the Michelin Green Star: an award given to restaurants at the forefront in the field of sustainability, who work with selected producers and suppliers to avoid waste and reduce plastic and other non-recyclable materials from their supply chain. “I am for an ethical and sustainable cuisine – underlines Oldani – accessible to all and with an eye to the environment: seasonality must be a fixed point, which leads to pay attention and to do a ‘thought’ shopping”.

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An opportunity for cancer research

“Initiatives like these, which are part of people’s daily lives – underlines Mauro Melis, IEO CEO – in addition to giving concrete support to specific projects, are important to raise awareness of the issue of research against cancer and solidarity for those who fight every day against the disease “. “Our relationship with the IEO is consolidated – concludes Alfredo de Bellis, Vice President of Coop Lombardia – and allows us to support patients through charity campaigns and the donation of contributions deriving from the sale of healthy products”.


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