500,000 euros to listen to the needs of patients

500,000 euros to listen to the needs of patients


Listening to the needs of patients and their families, to improve living with the disease and quality of life. The “Roche Foundation for Patients – Next to those who take care” tender is back again this year, for a total value of 500 thousand euros, intended to finance 22 projects aimed at improving treatment paths in onco-haematology, rare diseases, neuroscience, ophthalmology and rare cancers, and a new area including lupus nephritic, membranous nephropathy, IgA-mediated nephropathy, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The projects that will participate in the new edition, which can be applied online until 30 September, will be selected and evaluated by VITA Social Enterprise, as an external partner of the foundation.

Previous editions

The three previous editions of the tender have already awarded 75 projects with 1 million and 570 thousand euros of total investment, and over 250 projects have been nominated over the years. The 2022 edition, which was awarded on the occasion of the launch of the new tender, financed 23 projects dedicated to onco-haematology, rare diseases, neurosciences, ophthalmology and rare tumours, candidates from entities throughout Italy. Two prizes worth 50,000 euros each were awarded to entities that nominated projects relating to the digital sphere, relating to the development of innovative digital apps and services.

The seventh edition of the “Roche Foundation for independent research” call is underway

by Sara Carmignani

The focus on digital projects

The first, from the titleo “Macula Care – The point of reference for those who are facing the disease. A health network of support and sharing for maculopathic patients!”, is the result of the synergy between the Macula aps Committee – winner of the tender – and Retina Italia onlus odv, which propose the first health network of knowledge, support and sharing dedicated to vision health: Macula Care. The goal is to give a voice to patients suffering from eye diseases such as maculopathies or retinopathies (pathologies destined to increase both due to the aging of the population and due to the expected increase in other systemic diseases that generate retinal diseases, such as diabetes mellitus ) to protect and safeguard the right to be taken care of by a path of diagnosis and treatment in line with the standards of the international scientific community.

Pathologies of the macula, innovation saves the eye

by Letizia Gabaglio

The second was assigned to the Bianco Airone aps association, in collaboration with ASL RM2, for the project “o Stelle dell’Orsa – Remote service to help individuals and families experience oncological and hematological disease”, which makes available, online, an interdisciplinary team of doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, coaches, counselors, pedagogists, expressive laboratory experts and specially trained volunteers to offer integrated support to patients, family members and minor children.

The remaining 21 projects awarded by the 2022 edition – 16 with 20 thousand euros and 5 with 10 thousand euros each – refer to the individual therapeutic areas involved in the call and have been divided into 4 clusters: digital sphere, psychological sphere, bio sphere and social sphere ( here the video with all the presentations).

The 2023 call

Also for the projects participating in this year’s tender, two prizes of 50,000 euros each will be awarded, while the remaining 400,000 euros will be divided up to finance another 20 projects. “The world of patient associations – commented Giuseppe Ambrosio, president and CEO of VITA Impresa Sociale – is both unique and fantastic. Unique, because it allows patients and their families to be able to express the requests necessary for universal well-being, even when illnesses put existence and everyday life to the test. Fantastic, because it releases enormous positive energy thanks to the contribution and involvement of numerous stakeholders: volunteers, collaborators, donors, institutions and businesses, foundations. VITA is thinking about how to tell this world in a structured way and it is not excluded that an editorial initiative in this sense will not be launched in the coming months”.

“In health and in sickness”. Touch rock bottom and resurface together

“Initiatives like this, structured in the form of tenders, encourage the relationship between associations and institutions – concluded Mariapia Garavaglia, President of the Roche Foundation – and allow us to give strength and voice to patient associations, at a time when the health system is not it is particularly performing: The presence of those who can consciously and competently interpret the difficulties of those facing a pathology is essential to give relief, comfort and support to patients and caregivers”.


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