UniForoitalico Sport Day, the day dedicated to physical activity and health returns to Rome

UniForoitalico Sport Day, the day dedicated to physical activity and health returns to Rome


Conceived as a day of open doors towards the territory, UNIForoItalico Sport Day has become a great free event, open to the public of all ages, in which the University, unique of its kind in Italy and one of the few in Europe, was born and has been operating for almost a hundred years.

The aim of the initiative is to promote an important message: movement is health and joy. More and more, in fact, the scientific evidence, to which the university laboratories make a substantial contribution, demonstrate how an active lifestyle is the basis not only of physical efficiency, but also of mental and social well-being. In fact, practicing sport favors meeting and socializing with other people at all ages, creating a sense of belonging and community. At the same time, physical activity is one of the most powerful prevention tools, with evident repercussions on the economic level as well, dramatically reducing the impact on health care costs.

For this reason, the University of Rome Foro Italico opens up to the local area with the intention of offering an experience of joy, movement and sport under the guidance of the trainers of movement and sport professionals assisted by the precious support of the students.

The UNIForoItalico Sport Day therefore represents an unmissable opportunity to practice various sports activities, learn to know your body and take care of your health, while having fun.

The second edition of this initiative, which will now be repeated annually, will be held Saturday 27 May from 9:30 to 13:30 in the extraordinary setting of the Stadio dei Marmithe same place where international champions, university students and ordinary citizens train.

Participants will have the opportunity to experience a day in the open air and try their hand at over thirty motor and sporting activities, inclusive and suitable for all ages and levels of sporting practice: from team sports to individual ones, passing through racket, fitness and outdoor activities that combine physical exercise with love for the environment. Particular emphasis will be placed on activities aimed at inclusion, a pedagogical value at the heart of the activities of the University of the Foro Italico. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to carry out an assessment of their physical fitness and a sports medical screening.


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