Who goes and who doesn’t in Parliament: Berlusconi, Fascina and Calenda the most absentees. Conte and Schlein above 50%

Who goes and who doesn't in Parliament: Berlusconi, Fascina and Calenda the most absentees.  Conte and Schlein above 50%


Six months into the legislature, the participation rate in Parliament’s work is around 75 per cent. The senators are doing a little better: in Palazzo Madama the average participation of elected officials is close to 79, while in Montecitorio it drops to 74 percent. Positive balance, but there is no shortage of absentees. There is who, how Matthew Renzi, deserted more than half of the votes and who, in the Chamber, was seen even less. A small group, made up of 37 parliamentarians, whose participation rate does not exceed 15 percent. It includes some of the heavyweights elected in the last election, including Charles Calenda, Umberto Bossi, Silvio Berlusconi and the partner Martha Fascina.

Calenda and Berlusconi among the most absent

These are numbers made available by Openpolis and processed on the basis of the electronic votes recorded during the sessions of the Chamber and Senate. Looking at the leaders of the parties, the tables assign the victory to Angelo Bonelli And Nicola Fratoianni, leader of the Greens and Left Alliance. The first reaches the top of the podium with a participation of 83 percent, the second finishes just below with 73. Percentages that detach all the other colonels, starting from Carlo Calenda and Silvio Berlusconi. Il Cavaliere, elected to the Senate, is among the most absent leaders with a participation rate of 0.55 percent. Worse than him only Umberto Bossi (0.38), penalized by fragile health conditions.

Conte and Schlein above 50%

The Action leader is no better off. Calenda, in fact, is in seventh place in the ranking of the least present with just 11 percent of attendance. Not even his ally Matteo Renzi passes the sufficiency. The former premier, elected at Palazzo Madama, has so far participated in only 41.7 percent of the votes. Definitely better than 24 percent of Maurizio Lupi, leader of Noi Moderati, junior majority partner. Among the big names, however, the least absent is Joseph Conte with 65.2 per cent of attendance in the Chamber. The lower the percentage of Elly Schlein, returning from a congressional campaign that kept her away from the benches of Montecitorio for several months. For the new secretary of the Democratic Party, the participation rate is still 53 percent.

More absentees in the majority

It is among the ranks of the centre-right that most of the absentees are counted. In the ranking of the 20 least present parliamentarians, 3 are from the opposition and 17 from the centre-right. Among these we find the Northern League Julia Bongiornopresent at only 30 percent of the votes, Federico Mollicone (18 per cent) and, among the most absent, Martha Fascina. Berlusconi’s partner – 1.7 percent participation – is in fourth place, after Bossi, Berlusconi and the Northern League Antonio Angelucci. Even in the last legislature Fascina was among the most absent with a participation rate of 24 percent.

A separate discussion must be made for government officials. For them it is physiological that the participation rate in parliament is lower than that of their opposition colleagues. Giorgia Melonifor example, was present in only 1.34 percent of the cases. Matthew Salvini, senator and infrastructure minister, participated in 14 percent of the votes. It must be said, however, that even during the last legislature, when Salvini and Meloni did not hold any government post, the level of absences of the two leaders was equally low. Meloni, with 34 percent of attendance, closed the last legislature in the top 10 of the most absent deputies. Ditto for Salvini, absent in 61.9 percent of cases.

Avs, M5s and Pd the most present

Opposition MPs boast the highest percentage of voter turnout. In first place we find the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, which in Montecitorio (in the Senate it merged into the mixed) can count on an average of 86 percent participation. The same percentage of the M5s in Palazzo Madama, while in the Chamber the pentastellati drop to 80. The Pd is also doing well: 79 percent in Montecitorio and 83 in the Senate. On the other hand, the Third Pole and the centre-right parties are lower. Centrists in the House attended 67 percent of the votes; slightly less than FdI (73 percent), but more than Northern League supporters (68 percent). In the Senate, however, the Carroccio overtakes the Calendians and is placed behind FdI. The most absent are the parliamentarians of Forza Italia, with a participation rate of 68 percent in Montecitorio and 64 in Palazzo Madama.


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