The second Google Cloud Region in Italy opens in Turin: billionaire impact per territory

The second Google Cloud Region in Italy opens in Turin: billionaire impact per territory


After Milan, it’s Turin’s turn, and Italy becomes the only country in Europe where the Californian giant has launched two Regions (there are 35 active in the rest of the world) to make its galaxy of cloud services available to companies and Italian public administrations engaged in the digitization process. In terms of economic impact, as a recent study carried out by the University of Turin has revealed, the two structures could potentially generate a turnover of up to 3.3 billion euros in Piedmont and Lombardy by 2025. At the ecosystem level , however, a report prepared by the Energy & Strategy group of the Milan Polytechnic calculated how projects along the supply chain (thanks to the support of the two Regions) could develop a potential market for Google’s technology partners (including TIM) of over 1.9 billion euros in the three-year period 2023-20252.

Simplified and redundant business continuity

The new Region, as stated in the note released by the company, will be able to offer highly available cloud solutions with “data sovereignty” and data residency functions and will guarantee faster access to the global network of Google Cloud infrastructures for the management and execution of mission-critical applications. Among the standard services available there are Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Storage, Persistent Disk, CloudSQL and Cloud Identity while under the item critical features stand out the data residency monitoring tools of and virtual private cloud services and default encryption. Customer companies operating in Italy, as confirmed by Google spokespersons, will be able from today on to leverage operational continuity of their IT and business activities better and simplified, by distributing workloads on a geo-redundant infrastructure that promises to meet any disaster recovery need. Among the companies directly interested in the opening of the new Region is Intesa Sanpaolo. The Turin bank – as explained by the Executive Director of Information Systems, Enrico Bagnasco – will benefit from the cloud hyperscaling solutions made available by the BigG infrastructure to further accelerate the digitization process of its services.

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