the hypothesis of extension without the reform –

the hypothesis of extension without the reform -


No agreement on pension reform. So much so that the Meloni government is reportedly evaluating the one-year extension of Quota 103, the measure introduced by the Draghi government which provides for leaving work at 62 years of age and 41 years of contributions. The problem to solve are the covers. Among the hypotheses being studied by the executive is the introduction of Quota 41, supported by the League, with which it would be possible to say goodbye to work with 41 years of contributions regardless of age. An operation that rewards those who started working at a very young age, the so-called “precocious”, and which however could cost according to INPS estimates more than 4 billion in the first year of activation to then grow, reaching 75 billion in ten years. Too many according to a good part of the majority. (Calculate your pension).

Stalemate and reform hypotheses

In the absence of an agreement, therefore, the reform of the Italian pension system seems to be stalled, at least for now the introduction of Quota 41 which had already been hypothesized in 2024. The horizon seems to shift to 2025, again with the intention declared by the government to avoid a return to the Fornero law (retirement at 67 years of age with 41-42 contributions).

In favor of Quota 41, however, the CGIL, CISL and UIL had also expressed themselves In the unitary platform they referred to the flexibility of access to retirement to allow male and female workers to be able to choose when to retire, without penalties for those with contributions before 1996 , starting at age 62 and also allowing for retirement with 41 years of contributions regardless of age. The debate is therefore open. On Friday 17 March, Prime Minister Meloni will be at the CGIL Congress (the last one was Prodi in 1996) and among the issues at the center of the discussion there will be pension reform.

Quote 103, how it works and the audience

Barring new proposals for this year and next, Quota 103 should therefore be extended with the early retirement option which, according to the forecasts of the Parliamentary Budget Office, in 2023 could affect just over 41,000 workers, for a of over 2 billion in the three-year period 2023-2025. Most of them are guaranteed workers: men with stable working careers. Indeed, the Quota system proved to be functional for this category of workers while it did not involve the unsecured, ie women and young people. The weaker groups, between discontinuous careers and low incomes, of the Italian social security system.


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