Short week, promoted by one out of three Italian workers

Short week, promoted by one out of three Italian workers


The short week also appeals to Italian workers who would like to experiment with forms of flexible hours. If the formula 100% of the salary, 80% of the working hours and 100% of the results could then be used, it would be ideal. However, the reduction in working hours is an aspect that is certainly not appreciated by companies, in a country where there is little habit of measuring results and productivity is a critical element. The theme will enter the debate at the CGIL congress which opens tomorrow in Rimini and, in recent weeks, has sparked the trade union debate in the banking world, where Intesa Sanpaolo has decided to go ahead with the experimentation of a flexible, highly articulated work model, which provides, among other things, a 4-day work week, flexible hours for entry and exit, and 120 days of smart working per year, with no monthly limits. «The results of the first trials of a 4-day work week are interesting, but today it is difficult to imagine the possible effects of the introduction on a large scale», explains Valentina Sangiorgi, Chief HR Officer of Randstad.

Randstad’s research

But what do the workers in Italy say? The Randstad Workmonitor, the survey carried out by Randstad in 34 countries around the world, interviewing 35,000 workers, of which 1,000 employees in Italy, revealed that as many as 29% in our country would prefer a shorter week. The question was asked without specifying whether to reduce the working hours, as required by the English formula. 9% of workers, on the other hand, would like to work in traditional hours, but on different days of the normal working week. 14% in divided shifts, early in the morning and late in the evening. 6% would like to work at night. Less than one out of two Italian workers, on the other hand, 43%, prefer the option of traditional days and times. «Certainly, the Workmonitor reveals that many Italians are in favor of the possibility of the short week, but also that the issue is divisive, because time preferences are the most diverse. In general, a new modulation of working hours can produce benefits for workers and companies, but it must take into consideration everyone’s needs: those looking for an extra day off, as well as those who would rather need a shorter day, for example for family commitments. Beyond fashions, it is important to make organizational choices capable of satisfying people’s needs», continues Sangiorgi.

Who wants the short week

Workers in the central age brackets look with greater interest at the short week: 32% of people between 35 and 44 years old say yes, 31% between 55 and 67 years old, 30% between 25 and 34 years old and 28% among workers aged between 45 and 54 years. The lowest percentage is found among young people aged between 18 and 24, who would like to work on 4 days only in 16% of cases. Distinguishing between white collar workers and blue collar workers, white collar workers prefer the short week more, in favor of it in 32% of cases, compared to blue collar workers (15%).

The charm of flexibility

Certainly, the vast majority of Italian workers, 83%, consider time flexibility to be relevant. A flexibility which, in reality, has already been experimented in large part: 27% have seen forms of flexibility introduced in the last 12 months by their employer, being able to independently establish their own working hours. Lastly, 35% of Italian workers consider that a valid reason for not accepting a job offer is that it does not offer flexible working hours and does not allow you to establish your own working hours.


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