Short week and smart working, Intesa Sanpaolo reopens dialogue with the unions

Short week and smart working, Intesa Sanpaolo reopens dialogue with the unions


On the short week and on smart working, the Intesa Sanpaolo group and the unions return to the table “to define collective rules to protect all male and female workers in the group”, says Lando Maria Sileoni, the general secretary of the self-employed at Fabi, the main credit organization which will hold its congress from 12 to 16 June in Rome. “If conditions permit, an eventual agreement between the parties would be important,” adds Sileoni.

Although at the end of last year the time was not ripe for the union to reach an agreement and there were still some issues to be developed, above all relating to branch workers, “a constructive dialogue with the bank’s top management – says Sileoni – is not never failed and it is therefore necessary to seek every solution, contractually feasible, which takes into account a work organization that is radically changing. The professional and personal conditions of the workers of the group interested in the short week and smart working must be deeply protected”.

Given the value, including the political value, of the agreement for the sector – and beyond – for Sileoni it is necessary «to preserve and improve the professional prospects of all male and female workers of all groups and of all Italian banks, and act, therefore , with foresight, concretely demonstrating that ability to manage the profound changes taking place in the banking sector”.

The dialogue restarts just as the workers’ assemblies are underway on the platform that the unions will present to Abi for the renewal of the national collective labor agreement, where there is a request for a reduction in working hours to 35 hours a week and an increase of 435 EUR. «It is clear that having presented a new contractual platform which tends to guarantee the best protections for male and female workers – says Sileoni – precisely in a phase of reorganization of work in groups and individual companies, it becomes essential to define a whole series of rules that provide not only for job protection, but also rules to protect the personal life of every banker. The priority, even in such a delicate phase of change for each banking group, remains the maintenance of all jobs and the creation of new jobs”.


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