Schlein’s march at Roma Pride: “On rights, no shyness, let Forza Italia follow us”

Schlein's march at Roma Pride: "On rights, no shyness, let Forza Italia follow us"


Elly & Schlein. To tell this Rome Pride number 29, we have to separate, but the first one like this: with the secretary of the main party of the female left, who loves another woman, young at least for the average age of politicians, who wants to turn the old Pd upside down as a sock, to enter into osmosis (also) with this world here. This is the Schlein-politics that, for example, speaking with Republicopens up to “pieces of the Italian right who are not illiberal, for example within FI”, with whom to try to dialogue to undermine the majority of Giorgia Meloni and bring battles on rights to checkers in Parliament: “Egalitarian marriage, adoptions, recognition of the children of same-parent couples.


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