Republic Day, Mattarella: “June 2 reminds us of the right to happiness. And the Constitution guarantees freedom”

Republic Day, Mattarella: "June 2 reminds us of the right to happiness. And the Constitution guarantees freedom"


Republic Day, the values ​​of our Constitution, peace which is not just the absence of war. These are the issues that the head of state Sergio Mattarella faces in an interview granted to Postenews magazine, on the occasion of the Italian Republic Day. “June 2 is the ‘feast of us
Italians’, that we chose and wanted the Republic. The republican form was preferred to the monarchy and acquired its concrete configuration with the Constitutional Charter. The forms that regulate our coexistence – explains the head of state – are the declination of principles that we find in the first part of the Constitution. The centrality of the person, the recognition of his integrity and inviolability, the primacy of equality among human beings, dignity, freedom, solidarity, rights and duties characterize the democratic structure of the new State born of the Liberation. These are values ​​that belong to all citizens. They are ours, and they live in society in the passage between generations in active participation in civil life”, adds the President of the Republic.

“Young people – he adds – must participate in the transformations taking place in the country and not suffer its effects. Working in a country other than one’s own must be a choice and an opportunity to increase one’s training. It cannot be a necessary escape. Young people they ask to be heard. They are the vital energy that is quickly reintroduced into the engine of Italy”. Article 3 of the Charter assigns to the Republic, recalls Mattarella, “the task of removing the economic and social obstacles which, by effectively limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organization of the country. It is our declination of a right to happiness.2 As for women, “there are old and new dynamics that influence life choices. There are still obstacles to be removed to allow them full realization in the working dimension and in private life. When the right of an individual is denied, the whole community suffers. As long as there is only one area de facto barred to a woman, the principle of equality will be betrayed”.

We are Europe

“European unity represents one of the most successful events in the history of our continent – says the head of state in the interview – Within the framework of the European institutions and with their help it has been possible to achieve the greatest social progress, guarantee democracy and the system of freedom, to ensure a condition of peace after the continuous conflicts of previous centuries.In today’s context, in which the dimension of the protagonists of international life is decisive, none of the individual countries that belong to the European Union would be capable, by itself, of carrying out a effective role. In moments of crisis, the values ​​of the European founding pact are rediscovered in order to face emergencies united. Even for the construction of the common home, the progress processes have been more rapid in difficult moments. The response to the pandemic has been an example. In the globalized world, saying that no one saves themselves is not a mere affirmation of ritual Next year there will be elections to the European Parliament. An extraordinary opportunity for democracy for the citizens of twenty-seven countries. We are Europe”.

The message to the Prefects

On the occasion of the feast of June 2, Mattarella sent a message to the prefects who “covering public responsibilities, expressions of civil society, citizens, celebrate the Republic Day, on the seventy-seventh anniversary of the choice made by the Italian people under the banner of the renewal of democracy Also 75 years have passed since the entry into force of the Constitution, a sure reference, a fundamental charter that guarantees freedom and defines rights and duties in our community. I wish to express – writes the head of state – the gratitude of the Republic for the precious contribution you offer , in the various territorial contexts, to the concrete implementation of the constitutional values ​​of freedom, equality and solidarity”. Referring also to the commitment given on the occasion of the flood emergency “which hit Emilia-Romagna and the territories of Tuscany and the Marches so severely, the Prefects, together with the regional and provincial bodies, the Mayors, the Police Forces, the Firefighters, rescue bodies, the world of volunteers, alongside the territories injured by the events, have given testimony to the solidarity and industrious closeness of the institutions to the needs and pain of people and communities”.

The head of state underlines: “It is the networking between the state, local autonomies, institutions and components of civil society that makes it possible to face and overcome challenges and crises. With a gaze that always knows how to look beyond the emergency to give effective and lasting responses to citizens.Having a shared vision, being capable of well-coordinated work, are essential ingredients to this end, as is the willingness to work together for an effective use of available resources, starting from those made available provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in a broad horizon logic.Proximity to the most fragile segments of the population, to situations of marginalization – to improve, starting from the most difficult contexts, the quality of life in the territories – with attention particular to the phenomena of degradation and situations of social hardship, especially of the young and the elderly, is an issue that challenges the Prefectures, with positive effects on social cohesion and the safety of the communities”.


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