Political polls today, the Democratic Party recovers with Elly Schlein: the data

Political polls today, the Democratic Party recovers with Elly Schlein: the data


Today, 14 March 2023, Porta a Porta publishes the survey – carried out by Euromedia Research – relating to the usual survey of voting intentions at national level and the election of Elly Schlein to the secretariat of the PD. As far as voting intentions are concerned, according to the Euromedia sample, Fratelli d’Italia is reconfirmed as the leading Italian party with 29.2% (-0.4 since the last poll of 21 February). The Democratic Party rises to 20.3% (+2.8), followed by the M5S, which drops by almost two points, stopping at 15% (-1.9). The league ranks third, reaching 9.4% (+0.4), followed by Azione-Italia Viva at 8.4% (+0.3). Forza Italia drops to 6.5% (-1.2). Followed by Alleanza Verdi and Sinistra at 2.6% (-0.4), for Italy with Paragone at 2.4% (+0.3) and +Europe at 2.2% (-0.2). Stable position for Us Moderates at 0.5%.

And then there is the overall value of the alignments: the centre-right (FdI-Lega-FI-Noi Moderati) would reach 45.6%, while the centre-left (Pd-Alleanza Verdi and Sinistra-+Europa) 25.1%. Furthermore, the level of satisfaction regarding the election of Elly Schlein to the secretariat of the PD was surveyed: among the voters of the PD, 88.4% declared to be satisfied and 8.5% not satisfied; in the total population, 36.6% said they were satisfied, while the percentage of dissatisfied was 44.5%.

On the question of moving the Democratic Party further to the left, 75.3% of the party’s voters say they are in favor and only 9.3% are against; in the total population, 35.2% said they were in favour, while 30.4% were against. npf/lrs


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