Pnrr, the new data say that in 68% of calls for tenders there is no gender equality

Pnrr, the new data say that in 68% of calls for tenders there is no gender equality


As many as 96% of the calls for tenders analyzed do not envisage rewarding measures for gender equality, and in 68% there are no obligations for a quota of female or youth employment, even if the law provides for it. This is the complaint of Period Think Tank, a feminist association that deals with assessing the gender impact of public policies, with an analysis made possible by the data finally available thanks to OpenPolis and Anac, on the impetus of various organizations gathered in the Datibenecomune campaign .

Up until a few weeks ago, consulting Pnrr data to verify and monitor the distribution of funds was a useless, if not impossible, undertaking: on the portal, the information available was stationary in December 2021, and the projects uploaded covered 5% of approved ones.

With the publication of the new data, in a disaggregated format and more detailed than the previous version, since last April the possibility has opened up to verify and analyze the approved projects, on various levels. In addition, Open Polis, in collaboration with Anac (the Anti-Corruption Authority) has also made available data in an open format on calls for tenders, where it is possible to verify compliance with conditionality and rewards.

Period Think Tank presented a territorial and mission analysis to evaluate the impact of the PNRR funds on the employment of women and young people and created a web app available to the public at this link to explore the information on the reward measures and the employment quotas of the women in particular.

How is the gender impact assessed in Pnrr competitions? The data on the calls for tenders identified by the tender identification code (CIG) are compared with the data that associates the CIGs with the unique project codes (CUP), in order to be able to associate the information of the associated projects with each tender. On the data guide site of the Pnrr of Dati Bene Comune ( edited by the onData association there is a free-access handbook that explains how to use all the data now freed.

96% of the tenders analyzed by Period Think Tank do not include reward measures for gender equality. Unfortunately, these figures confirm the fears and alarms that numerous experts and feminist associations had expressed after the publication of the guidelines: without a regulatory obligation to apply quotas and reward measures, it was difficult to think that they would have been applied across the board in all the planned missions from the plan. In 5 missions out of 6 there are percentages of application of gender measures below 10%, and the two missions to which most of the funds will go (Digitalization and Tourism) together reach only 5.6%.

But if the law provides for the conditions of rewarding and also the possibility of quotas, why aren’t they provided for in 100% of the tenders? In the analysis of the economist Barbara Martini of InGenere on the same issue, it is highlighted how large, justified derogations are possible for not respecting these criteria, but it is not possible to obtain this information from the data released.

According to the inGenere analysis, out of a total of 34,377 tenders contained in the Open Polis file, 67.8% do not contain the conditionality requirement and 3.17% are tenders in which the information cannot be verified.

Another important fact underlined by Period is that the available data do not contain information on the reasons for the derogations from female employment quotas and it would instead be very important to know the reasons indicated for the derogations and possibly monitor the validity of this use.

However, it was essential to obtain this information and publish it in a format accessible to the public, with the possibility of exploring the data region by region, where differences can be seen with respect to the reward measures on gender equality and female quotas over 30%:

The data problem continues

“It is not possible to have any idea on the progress of the projects”, denounces Andrea Borruso of the onData association, which has made available an interactive map to explore the approved projects in the area, navigable by mission and by measure, even with keywords up to the municipal level

In fact, these new data that arrived on the website are not associated with any expected update frequency and as the onData activists point out, “this parameter, in addition to being a mandatory requirement to be associated with open data, is essential information ».


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