Musumeci on Mattarella in Romagna: “Nobody from the government invited”

Musumeci on Mattarella in Romagna: "Nobody from the government invited"


FORLì. They waited for him for hours, children, young people, the elderly, men and women of Forlì. A real huge crowd for Sergio Mattarella who is visiting the flooded Romagna. And he doesn’t let them down. “All of Italy is close to you”.

The Head of State is obviously here because he comes to bring everyone’s solidarity, in everyone’s name. But his is an encouragement above all for the future. That future which is still nebulous, bogged down as is the political path for the choice of the government commissioner. Bogged down like the fields all around here.

“You will not be alone – says Mattarella to the Forlì people crowded in the central square of the city – because you are fundamental for Italy, for the economy, for history. It is not only your need, but a national need that there be a relaunch” .

Mattarella among the flood victims: “I know you will make it, Italy is close to you”

Philip Fiorini

Of course, after taking a very first helicopter ride with Governor Bonaccini, the picture of the damage is devastating.

And it is disconcerting that not a single government official is present.

I am happy that the President of the Republic is also in the flooded areas today, as has been done by the entire government and as the Prime Minister has done twice. It is a pity that today there is no one from the government to explain the critical issues to the Head of State, no one has been invited. It doesn’t matter, the important thing is to get to the results”. So the Minister of Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci, to Rainews24. requires the presence of government officials. Moreover, it is always appreciated by President Mattarella. It has always been like this, since the beginning of the first seven years”. Thus the Quirinale press adviser Giovanni Grasso replies to those who ask him about the controversy of Minister Nello Musumeci on a failed invitation to the government. “The Quirinale on such occasions does not has ever made invitations. But if anyone wants to come, they’re welcome.”

“You will have all the support and not just today”, concludes the President of the Republic in the meantime. The rebirth of Romagna “will require a lot of effort”. But Mattarella has no doubts that these people will make it.


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