If the chatbot takes the chair

If the chatbot takes the chair


ChatGPT, in Italian schools, is postponed to September. While in the United States remedies are already being taken by rethinking courses and exams or by blocking access to the chatbot, in Italy the question seems to be taken into consideration without too much alarmism.
Wise choice, it would seem, since male and female students don’t seem to lose sleep over trying to use OpenAI’s trained language model to make them do their dirty work.
“Shall we talk about ChatGPT between classmates? No… – replies Eleonora, in the second year of a scientific high school in Campania -. I know it, I find it interesting, even if it often gives wrong answers. Like all tools, the use counts what to do with it: to copy, it would be a mistake”. Umberto, who attends the fifth classical high school in Rome, confirms: “It’s not a topic that ignites, for now. And then, artificial intelligence systems often highlight the limits of machines. If you take PhotoMath, which you can use to solve equations, you realize that the passages are the “standard” ones, not those of human reasoning”.

Artificial intelligence

ChatGPT: a weapon of mass approval?

by Guido Scorza*

And yet, the lack of fame of the conversational chatbot could only be postponed: “ChatGPT is not user friendly, on the contrary – comments Daniele Grassucci, co-founder of Skuola.net -. And we must consider how much Italy discounts, even in the school system, a digital skills gap. There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is known and used by young people”.
According to a study by Skuola.net and the University of Florence for “Generazioni Connesse” 2023, 55% of participants (first and second grade secondary schools) stated that they were aware of how AI works. 66% sometimes (38%) or often (28%) use software or apps to create text, photos or videos.
“A reflection must certainly be opened – adds Grassucci – also to then provide schools with tools and skills to defend themselves, as happens in universities with anti-plagiarism software for theses”.
In short, better be ready. The Ministry of Education and Merit is aware of this: “The diffusion of AI systems can have a particularly impact, precisely for students and
teachers, if their use is not regulated, managed and above all experienced as one tool among others, which can contribute to pursuing the aims of the school” explains Gianna Barbieri, Director General for structural funds for education, school building and the digital school. “As an ancient Chinese proverb says, “the shortest way leads to the longest”: this also applies to teacher training, to the need to redefine their professionalism, so that they are able to manage the complexities of the use of artificial intelligence in an educational context”.


Bill Gates’ predictions about the future of humanity in the age of artificial intelligence

by Archangel Rociola

In short, ChatGPT could raise the bar. The fuse is lit, confirms Marta Ferrucci from another privileged observatory on the relationship between students and study methods: “Studenti.it works on topical topics as well as on educational content. ChatGPT is one of these. It is discussed in class, it becomes the trace of a theme and could also in the first test at the maturity”. The topic also appears in related Google searches, such as “artificial intelligence theme”: “It means that, among those interested, there are certainly students who are looking for material to carry out a paper”.
This is an interest that could take on new forms in some time: “To pursue the goal of reducing inequalities, promoting participation and social inclusion and involving all figures in the school system, it will be necessary to raise the digital skills of teachers and students – continues Gianna Barbieri -. For this reason, in addition to verifying the ability to read information and data, the tests will probe communication skills, the ability to use with a critical sense, manage and create digital content, the ability to solve problems problems”.
But somewhere the future is already here: in the Istituto Comprensivo 3 in Modena, Lucy has already existed for three years, the first experimental school on artificial intelligence aimed at lower secondary schools.

Artificial intelligence

What are (and what are they for) the new ChatGPT plugins

by Francesco Marino


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