From Raves to NATO, those omnibus decrees that ended up under Mattarella’s lens

From Raves to NATO, those omnibus decrees that ended up under Mattarella's lens


ROME. Presented as a “routine” meeting, which has not even been officially announced, a summit was held on the Colle at the highest institutional levels to discuss a phenomenon that now seems completely out of hand: the decree laws. Not only are they churning out too many, and this government in particular is producing an average of one a week at a record rate; but in Parliament there are those who take advantage of it to insert measures completely unrelated to the subjects of urgent measures into the decrees. According to Openpolis, the current executive has the highest number of decree laws published on average per month (4.17) among the governments of the last 4 legislatures.

Mattarella summons La Russa and Fontana: no more omnibus decrees

Hugh Magri

Among the latest cases of omnibus decrees, the law on raveswhich introduces the crime for unauthorized parties but has been chosen as a tool to regulate the reinstatement of No Vax health personnel and the measures on life imprisonment.

The same, the bill decree. After a long parliamentary process, in addition to bonuses for families and tax credits, it contains measures concerning health, visits by parliamentarians to hospitals, the educational center for the victims of Marcinelle

Finally the NATO decreedesigned to extend the participation of Italian military personnel in the alliance’s initiatives, also hosted the renewal of the commissionership of the Calabrian health service


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