F1, Hamilton separates from Angela Cullen: physiotherapist and adviser for the last 7 years

F1, Hamilton separates from Angela Cullen: physiotherapist and adviser for the last 7 years


She has always been a constant presence by his side for the past seven years. Physiotherapist, athletic trainer, but above all adviser. This is why the separation between former world champion Lewis Hamilton and New Zealander Angela Cullen is making headlines. It was the British Mercedes driver himself who spoke about her on social media: “she was by my side leading me to give the best of me. I am a better person because of her and because of that I hope you all join me today in wishing her the best in what will be her next steps in the future, with the aim of continuing to make her dreams come true . Thanks for everything ‘Ang’, I can’t wait to find out what the future holds for you”.


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