Anastasio and his resignation, a due act

Anastasio and his resignation, a due act


3-I is a public company born almost under the radar, an ambitious project participated by Inps, Inail and Istat to develop the software of the Italian PA. Launched in mid-December, it only managed to get people talking about it today, and for not too noble reasons: an email from President Claudio Anastasio, appointed by the Meloni government, with an explicit quotation from Benito Mussolini’s speech in January 1925, with which the head of fascism claimed political responsibility for the Matteotti crime. If there was a vaguely ironic intent, bad. If that sentence is part of the cultural and political baggage of a manager called to administer a state company, with a strategic mandate, worse.

In such a delicate moment, with placards in front of schools that insult the Resistance, with black beatings in front of high schools that some find it hard to condemn, with a Speaker of the Chamber who almost proudly claims to own and keep the bust of the Duce, the resignation is a due act. Just as a selection of the ruling class should have been due which, more than membership and tribes, rewards merit and competence. Especially when it comes to building the digital architecture of the country to come.


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